Madeline Bacolor

Madeline Bacolor Madeline Bacolor is a 2021 graduate of the University of Michigan’s Program in the Environment. She is also a Filipina American who studied Philippine history and Filipino American culture during her undergraduate career. Her interests are in...

Kristi Rhead

Kristi Rhead (she/her) Kristi Rhead is a Ph.D. Student in Anthropology and History at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on media, identity, and public history/anthropology on the island of Réunion, located in the Southern Indian Ocean and fully...

Robert Diaz

Robert Diaz (he/him) Robert Diaz is a doctoral candidate whose research focuses on the confluence of U.S. imperialism in the Pacific World, scientific expertise, and lived imperialism of youths in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His current work...