Emily Na

Emily Na Emily Na is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of American Culture at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on the contemporary memory of slavery through literature, visual culture, and museums. Her dissertation, currently titled “Beyond the...

Jim Moss

Jim Moss (he/him) Jim Moss is a collections manager at the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology (UMMAA). Jim engages students and faculty through object-based learning. He connects community members and researchers with the Museums’s cultural...

Ella Li

Ella Li Ella Li is a second-year Master of Information student at the University of Michigan. By pursuing the School of Information’s data track and research track, she aims to concentrate her studies on social justice, with a particular emphasis on health justice and...

Chad Kamen

Chad Kamen Chad Kamen is a first year Master of Information student at the University of Michigan. Through pursuing the School of Information’s digital curation track, he hopes to focus his studies on how community-centered archives develop reparative classification...

Paulina Fraser

Paulina Fraser (she/her) Dr. Paulina Fraser is currently a visiting research scholar with the community-focused research center known as CREATE (Community-Based Research on Equity, Activism, and Transformative Education), where she contributes to innovative work to...