ReConnect/ReCollect brings together various constituencies who are otherwise unable to work collaboratively given institutional and academic barriers, with faculty and staff from the University of Michigan’s School of Information, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Department of History, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Museum Studies Program, Bentley Historical Library, Special Collections Research Center, and Museum of Anthropological Archaeology.
We are a diverse and multigenerational group of scholars, archivists, curators, students, and members of Filipino and Filipino American communities working across institutional and academic boundaries.

The ReConnect/ReCollect team visits the University of Michigan’s Research Museums Center, 2021.

The Project Team
Our team includes University of Michigan archivists, collections managers, research faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students.

External Advisory Board
Comprising nine members, the EAB provides invaluable guidance, expertise, and cultural context to ensure the project’s success.